Hagley Catholic High School
Principal: Mr J Hodgson

Called as God’s family, we strive to achieve our personal best, by living and learning in Christ.

Our Psychology Department

Psychology is taught by two specialist teachers.

To view the curriculum mapping document and the 'learning journey' poster for Psychology, then please click on the links below. If you have any queries then please contact the Subject Leader.

Curriculum Aims

Hagley’s A level psychology students will develop their curiosity and the skills of enquiry to answer their questions about human behaviour. They will be able to describe, analyse, understand and make sophisticated judgements about the value of different approaches in psychology.  They will be able to apply their knowledge to explain human behaviours including mental illness and criminal behaviour.  Learners can understand and debate controversies in psychology using research to support their positions and synoptic examples to illustrate their points clearly.  Learners will have the skills to devise and execute research projects following ethical guidelines, evaluate novel research and be confident in their use of descriptive and inferential statistics.