I am very proud to lead the SEND and Inclusion team here at Hagley Catholic High school. Our ethos is underpinned by a strong sense of unconditional positive regard for each child. We respond to and are led by student needs, however and whenever they present on their 5 - 7 year journey with us.
We recognise that every student may at any time require support that is ‘additional to and different from’ others and are committed to providing high quality provision for all students to thrive and achieve.
Our SEND register is a fluid document that captures student need in accordance with the 4 Areas of Need: Social, Emotional and Mental Health, Communication and Interaction, Cognition and Learning and Physical/Sensory.
At any one time, we support over 100 students across every Area of Need at Hagley and have a suite of growing interventions which supplement the high-quality teaching delivered in every classroom. Every teacher is a ‘teacher of SEND’ at Hagley and every member of staff can use our internal referral system to flag potential student need. Participation in the Assess-Plan-Do cycle is a critical part of the identification process.
We use Provision Map to create Pupil Passports for each student on the register. These are created in collaboration with students and families. The purpose of the Passport is to communicate key strategies all staff can access and adopt in the classroom to adapt practice and ensure inclusivity and equity.
As the SENDCO, my role is to coordinate provision, support/advise colleagues, ensure processes are robust and transparent and provide ongoing support to students and families.
Our small and passionate team of Learning Support Assistants and Assistant SENDCo, plus our teaching staff, lead interventions, demonstrating our whole school commitment to inclusion.
Ms N Hackett
Assistant Principal: Inclusion and SENDCO
The Hub
The Hub is a separate building situated at the heart of the school. The SENDCo, Assistant SENDco and Learning Support Assistant’s are all based here. The space is designed in zones: independent learning; academic intervention and a space for emotional regulation.
The purpose of the hub is for students who need extra support to mitigate any barriers to school and learning that may arise because of additional needs.
We have students who check in each morning, students who access for interventions and students who need support to re-regulate before getting back into lessons. Some students will have a ‘Hub Pass’ which allows them to access the hub throughout the day – these are carefully monitored and awarded in very specific circumstances.
We are introducing new interventions all the time, in response to student need. We now host Lego Based Play, Draw and Talk and Lexonik Leap Literacy Interventions. Talkabout, Spellzone and Preparation for Adulthood are already well established at Hagley.
We are very proud to host a safe space and are happy to welcome all students!
SEN Policy and Information Report
Since September 2014, all schools are expected to publish a document to help parents and careers of children and young people with Special Educational needs and Disabilities (SEND) understand what services they and their families can expect from the school and a range of local agencies.
The document, known as the SEN Policy and Information Report, should help you understand how the system works, and how the local authority, local area and the school will support both your child and your family.
Our SEN Policy and Information Report can be found below, along with our Accessibility Plan.
Saint Padro Pia
Saint Padro Pia is our chosen Saint for Inclusion. He is a 20th-century saint known for his work with the poor and his great piety and humility. He received many spiritual gifts, including the gifts of bi-location, reading of souls, and the stigmata. Many miracles are attributed to him both during his life and after his death.

Ms N. Hackett
Assistant Principal: Safeguarding, Mental Health, Inclusion & Designated Safeguarding Lead & SENCO

Miss M. Cleland
Safeguarding & Inclusion Officer

Miss J Todd
Safeguarding Governor

Mrs K. Whitehouse
Learning Support Assistant

Mrs S. Sunderland
Learning Support Assistant

Mrs C. Barnham
Learning Support Assistant

Miss M Jhamet
Assistant SENCO
Local Authority Information
At Hagley Catholic High School we work with several Local Authorities; each have a statutory duty to produce a ‘Local Offer’, outlining the support available for young people with SEND. Each Local Offer provides comprehensive, accessible up to date information about provision and how to access it. The provision is designed to respond to local need and aspirations.
Please click on the links below to see each of the Local Offers from our partner authorities.