Hagley Catholic High School
Principal: Mr J Hodgson

Called as God’s family, we strive to achieve our personal best, by living and learning in Christ.

Safeguarding Team

Ms N. Hackett

Safeguarding Lead

Email Me

Mrs M.Cleland

Safeguarding Officer

Email Me

Mr J. Hodgson

Deputy DSL

Email Me

Mrs. K. Morris


Email Me

Safeguarding, Student Well-being and Mental Health

At Hagley Catholic High School we are totally committed to providing a safe refuge for our school community. We do this by creating an environment where we challenge unsafe practice and where we are intolerant of anything that threatens the physical, emotional, spiritual and intellectual well-being of its members.

To log a concern or liaise with a member of our Safeguarding team please email:

The aim of this site is to enhance the practices which are currently in place within the school by providing additional information, advice and guidance on such issues as e-safety and anti-bullying. We will also provide a forum for sharing and gathering views on how we can work together to keep our school community safe. What this means is that your views and experiences are really important to us, so please give us feedback, via this website, on what you think we can do to raise further our standards of behaviour and safety. We will also continue to share with you the results of student and parental perception questionnaires and how we have responded to your feedback.

We have also launched a new e-mail helpline to enable any member of our school community who does not feel that they can initially talk face-to-face about a problem, such as bullying, to seek help. 

They can do this by emailing the Safeguarding Team here.

In line with our Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy all information disclosed by e mail will be treated in the strictest of confidence unless the information disclosed highlights that the person or people being discussed are at (potential) risk of harm.

Our School Safeguarding Policy can be found here.

Our Safeguarding Governor is Mr. G Taylor-Smith

Early Help Offer

Useful Links