Hagley Catholic High School
Hagley Catholic High School is part of the Emmaus Catholic Multi Academy Company that was established in February 2021 with 9 other primary schools. We are a mixed 11-18 school in Hagley, Worcestershire and our Published Admissions Number (PAN) is 190 and with over 1130 students on our oversubscribed roll.
We are situated in a semi-rural setting some twelve miles south west of Birmingham. The village of Hagley is within close proximity to the national motorway network and on a train line from Worcester to Birmingham, yet still enjoys views of the Clent Hills and beautiful surrounding countryside.
As a Catholic School we believe that everyone is uniquely formed in the image of God and we are called to live, learn and serve in Jesus' name, by living out the Gospel values and following the compassion of Christ. Consequently, the Hagley family is a warm, caring, nurturing and generous one, in which all students, staff, parents, carers, and visitors feel part of.
Our Patron saint is the Catholic martyr, Saint Nicholas Owen, and the school is divided into houses named after saints Anselm, Bede, Chad, Gregory, Kenelm and Wulstan.
Hagley Catholic High School is a good school and the recent OFSTED inspection of October 2019 under the new inspection framework confirmed this.
Inspectors commented very positively under a very robust and challenging new framework. They reported that:
This is a friendly school where pupils are safe and well cared for.
Leaders have high expectations of how pupils should behave, and pupils behave well.
Pupils are proud of their school and they take pride in themselves.
Pupils achieve well...
Leaders make sure that topics are taught in a logical order and teachers make deliberate links to what pupils have learned before.
Pupils are well behaved in lessons. They are keen to learn, and they take pride in their work.
Outcomes are excellent at Hagley with a GCSE Progress 8 score in 2019 of +0.35 and English literature and language, maths, science and history in the top 20% of all schools nationally for attainment. Overall attainment was in the top 20% also, as were all elements of the attainment buckets.
Hagley Catholic High School also has a top performing sixth form with over 200 students on roll. In 2019, 41% of all students achieved grades A* to C with 17% achieving AAB. While in 2020 this increased to 72% of all students with 48% attaining AAB. We have an excellent reputation for supporting students on the Oxbridge pathway and in the last 2 years 5 applicants went on to Oxbridge, while 40% went on to Russell group Universities in 2020.
We also have a thriving extra-curricular provision in all areas but especially in music, performing arts, PE and RE. While students are given some amazing opportunities to engage in trips to the Gower, Poland, Italy, France, Skiing in Austria and more.