Our History Department
The History Department consists of the following members of staff:
- Mr Lavender - Subject Leader of History dlavender@emmausmac.com
- Mr Trickett - Assistant Principal, Teacher of History and a Specialist Leader in Education (SLE) atrickett@emmausmac.com
- Mrs Imrie - Teacher of History and SENDCO limrie@emmausmac.com
- Mrs A Leyland-Richardson - Teacher of History aleyland@emmausmac.com
To view the curriculum mapping document and the 'learning journey' posters for History, then please click on the links below. If you have any queries then please contact the Subject Leader.
Curriculum Aims
The History department aims for all students to access to rich encounters with the past. The History department is committed to delivering the History curriculum in an exciting, engaging manner that will make students confident, willing to learn and well prepared to understand and analyse historical events and controversies. The skills developed by learners as part of our curriculum allow them to grow as independent, inquisitive learners, equipped with the tools to succeed.